Honored. Humbled. Grateful.
Standing on the promises of God...
Standing on the shoulders of giants...
Who let me see the invisible, feel the intangible and achieve the impossible.

George W. Bush
"I just want to be remembered as a good husband. As a good father."

Larry King
"Always be you. The real you. The authentic you. Be yourself."

John C. Maxwell
"Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you."

Bob Proctor
"Change is inevitable but personal growth is a choice."
Jack Canfield
"Things that bring you the greatest joy are in alignment with your purpose."
Brendon Burchard
"No matter how small you start, start something that matters today."
Mary Morrissey
"Living from gratitude has the power to transform all areas of your life."
Jay Abraham
"The key to all of life is understanding how to add value to others."
Dean Graziosi
"And understand this... risking is better than regretting."
Les Brown
"Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality."
Nick Vujicic
"When you can't get a miracle, you be a miracle for someone else."

Curtis Silwa
"And know this... don't look back you're not going that way."
Jorge Ramos
"Follow you dream and do whatever you like to do the most ."
Joe Polish
"And get this... people are in business for FREEDOM ."
Bill Harris
"Everyone who wants a better life should be meditating ."
Roger Love
"I can't change anyone's voice unless I change their mindset ."
Larry King
Behind the scenes

Jack Canfield
Behind the scenes

Bob Proctor
Behind the scenes

John C. Maxwell
Behind the scenes

United Nations
Behind the scenes

Times Square
Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes

Success & Significance

Press and Media
Media Kit. Press Material. International Inquires.

Lasting Loving Legacy Questions
Life Interview Questions To My Dad
- What comes to mind when you think about GROWING UP in Lima, Peru?
- What did you love to DO as a kid, before high school? in high school?
- What do REMEMBER most about your teenage years?
- How did you choose your CAREER and what was your favorite part about it?
- What MADE you successful at work?
- What did you BELIEVE about yourself that helped you become successful and deal with hard times?
- What times in your life truly “tested your mettle” (challenging)?
- What did you learn about yourself by dealing (or not dealing) with them?
- What 3 events most SHAPED your life?
- If you won LOTTERY, how would you spend $?
- If you had to GIVE AWAY a million dollars, who would you give it to?
- If you could LIVE anywhere, where would it be?
- If you could WORK anywhere, do anything and get paid for it. what would it be?
- If you could have LUNCH with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
- What are some things you've always wanted to do but haven't had the opportunity yet?
- What 3 things you would like to do before the next year passes?
- When was the last time you felt filled with JOY?
- What is your favorite BOOK? MOVIE? MUSIC? TV PROGRAM? FOOD?
- What do you remember most about your MOM (grandma)?
- What was most IMPORTANT to her?
- What do you remember most about your DAD (grandpa)?
- What was most IMPORTANT to him?
- If grandma and grandpa had a MESSAGE to you and their grandchildren, what do you think it is?
- How did you MEET my mom [spouse] and know she was the one?
- When you THINK about my mom [spouse], how would you DESCRIBE her?
- What MESSAGE do you have for my mom [spouse] that you want her to always keep in MIND?
- What do you REMEMBER about when each of us was born?
- Were you ever SCARED to be a parent?
- What 3 words would you say represented your APPROACH to parenting and why?
- When you think about my sister [sibling] how would you describe her?
- What MESSAGE do you have for my sister [sibling] that you want her to always keep in MIND?
- When you think about my brother [sibling] how would you describe him?
- What MESSAGE do you have for my brother [sibling] that you want him to always keep in MIND?
- When they think about their CAREERS, what do you want your children to FOCUS on?
- What 3 words would you say best describe who you tried to be in life?
- What do you want people to say about YOU at your funeral?
- What have you LEARNED about other people in life? (trustworthy, kind or not and mean)?
- What do you think the world NEEDS more of right now?
- What do you believe people WANT the most in life?
- What were the 3 best DECISIONS you’ve ever made?
- If you could travel back through time, what MISTAKE would you CORRECT in life?
- What things in the past do you wish could be erased from ever happening?
- What were 5 of the most POSITIVE MOMENTS of your life?
- What make you HAPPY? SING? What do you LAUGH about? (positive)
- What makes you SAD? What do you CRY about? (negative)
- What are you most PROUD of in life? greatest accomplish? (past)
- What do you DREAM of doing? most (least) ENJOY about life right now?
- What are you most THANKFUL for? greatest that happened? (present)
- What makes you THINK? greatest dream or hope? (future)
- If you have 6 months to live, what will you do first?
- What message would you like to SHARE with your family?
- What words would you like to hear from us more often?
- What do you want us to DO after you are gone?
- What do you want us to KNOW after you are gone?
- How do you want to be REMEMBERED?
One of the best things I did...
Interviewed my dad about his life, dreams and legacy.
Recorded history...
What do you want me to do and know after you are gone?

What was the 3 best decisions you've ever made?

If you could travel back in time, what mistake would you correct?
Grateful to be adding value to leaders who multiply value to others...
Transferring wisdom. Transforming lives. Transcending globally.
The answer to everything is love
Thank you for the work
Just a regular guy
A simple bio
What I believe
Imagine Impacting Lives
Always Willing To Be Little
Many of my clients have reached the pinnacle of their chosen professions, and I support them by studying alongside the world’s top personal growth and leadership experts. My trainings, certifications, and qualifications include:
- Certified High Performance Coach™.
- Certified John C. Maxwell Coach, Speaker, and Trainer.
- Certified via Bob Proctor’s Matrixx Program on Consciousness, Creativity and Connections.
- Certified on The Intuition System by The Silva Method.
- High Performance Mastermind Programs with Brendon Burchard.
- World's Greatest Speaker Training with Brendon Burchard, Roger Love, Bo Eason.
- One Day To Greatness LIVE with Jack Canfield.
- Experts Academy with Brendon Burchard.
- Trained under Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Robin Sharma, Frank Kern, Les Brown and Tony Robbins.
- Best-Selling Author of "The Big Question" - How to Sustain Long Term Success; with Larry King.
- Author of "The Success Start" 7 Principles to Make a Life of Significance.
- Interviewed on several national and international TV and radio stations including CNN, FOX NEWS, CNBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, NBC.
- Times Square Today TV Show, New York.
- Speaker at The Forum Global Entrepreneurship Initiative at the United Nations Headquarters.
- Executive Producer of "A Voice of a Generation" with Larry King.
I Believe
I believe there is value in every person.
I believe that we all have value...
that each and every one has insights, perspectives, ideas and wisdom gifted to us.
I believe that together we can accomplish more...
that we can build on the progress we make as a community.
I believe that...
you have a gift to give.
you have a mission to accomplish.
you have a story to tell.
you have a message to share.
Juan Carlos Arzola
Man of Faith. Loves People. Always Learning. Serving Leaders.
Juan Carlos Arzola is an Certified High Performance Coach™, trainer, mentor, international speaker and author of "The Success Start", creator of the Ultimate High Performance Mastermind Program and founder of multi-million dollar businesses. He works with high-performing individuals to reach the next level of success while building a life of lasting significance. He has been featured on several TV and radio stations including NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, CNBC and FOX NEWS; and personally, trained and mentored by leading experts in the personal growth and achievement field including John C. Maxwell, Bob Proctor, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard among others.
Juan Carlos is respected, gifted and world class high performance coach and mentor with deep psychological understanding, visionary ability with personal and business balance. His great passion is bringing clarity, focus and vision to people who have been through success but not real joy and fulfillment. He helps high achievers find better perspective on different aspects of their lives; those specific areas that really matter. Juan Carlos's students make a bigger impact in others, leave lasting footprints - a legacy... for their loved ones and the world. They leave a mark behind.
From humble and painful beginnings to becoming the best he possible can; that was his story. Now, he challenges his students to "begin again", to grow exponentially and to amplify their dreams and vision. Juan Carlos serves from a place of authenticity with contagious enthusiasm; his students belong to a world class community, they're challenge to become the best version of themselves and to believe more in themselves... to contribute more to the world.
Passionate about helping, the start to Personal Growth, Human Potential and High-Performance Development was a natural fit. With encouragement from mentors and friends, Juan Carlos started The Arzola group in 2015. In his free time, Juan Carlos loves to travel with his two boys Juan Carlos Jr. and Daniel. He also participates on mission trips around the world, and loves giving to charities and sharing at different events. Grateful for an amazing opportunity to be living an incredible life, Juan Carlos makes sure that every person he encounters are welcomed, loved and inspired in a way that impacts their lives.
Through my own achievements in business, I've had lots to celebrate. I had access to the “BEST” in life: the money, the time to travel, the new automobiles, the private plane -- all the luxuries.
Yet I’d describe those things as markers of “success,” and, quite frankly, not even my own markers. These are the things that the outside world told me I would need to feel happy and fulfilled.
Yet what I found was that none of these things could fulfill the purpose I knew God had placed in my heart.
In the end, it is the people we touch, the relationships we build, and the contribution we make that give our lives meaning.
It wasn't until I lost everything that I saw clearly how none of it actually mattered in the first place. And through that experience, I found my passion, my mission, my calling and purpose - helping others live lives of impact, significance, growth and contribution.
Thankfully, God allowed me to lose these outward markers of success so that I could learn to bolster my inward barometer of significance! When the economy collapsed in 2008, I lost my company, my marriage, and many of the "perks" of my world-class lifestyle.
However, the things I GAINED were priceless: become grateful, become humble and become "hungry" for growth and contribution.
Here are just a few of the lessons I learned during that time:
- Relationships are some of the best investments you will ever make in life. In particular, your relationship with yourself is key. I learned to forgive myself, love myself, and appreciate myself no matter what life placed in my path.
- I can build another business empire. All of the skills that gave me the ability to build an extraordinarily successful company are found within my heart and mind. No property settlement agreement or stock market crash can ever take those away.
- Freedom and fulfillment are found not by reaching the height of worldly success, but by achieving true significance and lasting legacy.
Once I had made the distinction between success and significance in my own life, I set out to help other high-achieving individuals build meaningful lives marked by true fulfillment. I work with my clients to move them through any past limitations so they can embrace the possibility of the present.
The clients I serve have already attained “success” by any outside measure. They’ve built empires, earned more money than most people have ever dreamed of, and obtained prestigious positions.
Yet, when these successful clients come my way, they are already beginning to recognize that they have sacrificed lasting SIGNIFICANCE for fleeting SUCCESS.
Many people achieve success by the world’s measures. They make a lot of money, build massive companies, and obtain prestigious positions.
What I desire to help my clients attain is a life of SIGNIFICANCE.
Success is defined as “the attainment of popularity or profit.”
Significance is “the meaning to be found in an event.”
From corporate success to creating freedom, fulfillment, and a legacy that matters
It's your time to lead the life you deserve!
Explore your path to freedom and impact →