The Voice of a Generation with Larry King


"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others."

Hollywood LIVE with Jack Canfield


"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust your action steps."

Global Entrepreneurship Initiative at the United Nations


"Be the one who nurtures and builds. Leave people better than you found them."

Times Square Today in New York


If Humanity Remembers You For Only One Thing... What Would That Be?

The Quilly Award


Believe The Impossible... Together, We Go Beyond.

The Expy Award


Imagine... impacting more people in less time - with better results!

A Message To You


"Nothing is more rewarding than to watch someone who says it can't be done, get interrupted by someone who is doing it."


At the end of life, what really matters is

not what you bought, but what you built;

not what you got, but what what you shared;

not your success, but your significance.


It's about...

the lives you touched... - and the impact you leave.

the race you finished... and the mark you leave.

the baton you finished... and the legacy you leave.


You are reading this.  You are breathing.

Your heart is beating. 

You are living now.

You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.


Who you ARE is God's gift to you.

Who you BECOME is your gift to God.


It is here.  It is now.  It is you.


Make Your Mark.

On Someone.  On History.



What's the impact you want to have in the world?


And, when the time comes…

we’re laying on our deathbed…

you’re not going to worry about…


how much money you had…

how much power you had…

how much prestige you had.


You’re going to see that…

that was all game that…

that was all an illusion.


The only thing…

that’s going to matter is…

the IMPACT you had on other people’s lives.


And, we are all...

on a separate journey…

but the beautiful thing about our life…


here on this earth is at our funeral…

they are not going talk about our success…

they’re going to talk about who we were…


and how we lived…

and how we loved…

and encouraged.


Success is incredibly important…

but even more important than success…

it’s having an IMPACT.


It’s knowing…

you haven’t walked the planet…

in vain…


It’s knowing that…

because you’ve been here…

you’ve blessed lives…


you developed people…

and you have made…

the world a better place.


The effect you have on others…

is the most valuable currency there is.


Everything you gain in life will rot and fall apart…

and all that will be left of you is…

what was in your heart.


Life is a mirror…

and life gives us not what we want…

Life gives us who we are.


When you were born…

you cried while...

the world rejoiced…


Live your life in such a way that when you die…

the world cries while...

you rejoice…




and never forget...

Go after something in life so big

than when you accomplish it,

only God will get the glory.



and there is always light...

if only you're brave enough

to see it.

If only you're brave enough

to be it.



Your talent is God's gift to you.

What you do with it is your gift back to God.



Transfer your light to the world, your love to humanity and your legacy to this and future generations.


Be one.

Become the person.


One day...  or Day one?

It is here.  It is now.  It is you.


And deep inside you, there's

a decision from your head

a desire from your heart.


It is this.  It is time.  It is you.

You, who's reading this...

You, who's feeling that...

From corporate success to creating freedom, fulfillment, and a legacy that matters

It's your time to lead the life you deserve!

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