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Have I Spent Money on Programs or Coaches That Didnā€™t Deliver What I Needed?

The Cycle of Hope and Disappointment

Imagine planting a seed in the soil. You water it, provide sunlight, and wait patiently. But after weeks, nothing grows. You start questioning: Did I plant the wrong seed? Was the soil bad? Or did I just waste my time and effort?

This metaphor often mirrors the experience of investing in programs or coaches that fail to deliver. You start with hope, invest your resources, and wait for results. But when the outcomes fall short, it’s easy to feel frustrated, even betrayed.

If you’ve asked yourself, Have I spent money on programs or coaches that didn’t deliver what I needed?, you’re not alone. Let’s explore why this happens and how to make more empowered choices moving forward.

The First Perspective: Was It the Wrong Fit?

“It’s not about finding the right answer; it’s about asking the right question.” – Unknown

Many times, programs or coaches don’t deliver because they aren’t...

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